Principles of refractory brick replenishment

  1. Complementary bricks must be used with the old bricks of the same manufacturer and the same batch of bricks.
  2. As far as possible, use the remaining loose bricks with the old bricks with the same overhaul (Note: damp or fallen bricks are strictly prohibited to make).
  3. The contact surface of the old and new bricks must play fire mud.
  4. New and old brick interface surface can not play iron plate between.
  5. Lock mouth brick of the two sides of the brick seam can not play iron plate, adjacent to two rings of brick iron plate should be staggered with each other, the same brick of the two sides can not play iron plate.
  6. The iron plate must be completely beaten into the brick seam.
  7. The sealing of the first few rings of bricks must be inserted into the brick mouth from the side, and the last ring of bricks is sealed by inserting bricks from the front.
  8. Masonry in strict accordance with the ratio of designed bricks, not to change the ratio of masonry at will.
  9. Digging brick expansion joint cardboard shall not be torn, digging brick must be wet masonry (fire mud slurry fullness should reach 95% or more, forbidden to appear brick big head without fire mud, small head with fire mud, such as this situation occurs, should be promptly removed and re-build;.
  10. Digging and mending as far as possible not to use (or reduce the use of) processing bricks.

The principle of digging and mending: digging bricks from the weakest opening of the brick, but not at the same time digging bricks more than three rings. If it is a continuous multi-ring digging, in order to prevent the overall loosening of the brick, must first dig and fill 2 rings before continuing to dig and fill backwards. When digging bricks, pay attention to observe the loosening of the whole ring of bricks, if the overall loosening of the bricks occurs, immediately stop digging and mending, use the locking iron plate to insert the loose bricks on both sides of the ring joints, tighten and confirm that they are not loose before continuing digging and mending operations.