Cement rotary kiln refractory material use cautions

1、Cement rotary kiln refractory brick lining is divided into four categories according to the size of the brick seam and the degree of fine operation.

The categories and brick seam size are as follows

Category Ⅰ, ≤ 0.5mm.

Class II, ≤ 1mm.

Category Ⅲ, ≤2mm.

Class Ⅳ, ≤3mm.

Rotary kiln system refractory lining with fireclay masonry, its gray joints should be within 2mm, construction should be strictly controlled. Immovable equipment lining in the gray joints in the fireclay should be full, and the upper and lower inner and outer layers of the brick joints should be staggered.

2, Modulation of bricklaying with refractory mud should follow the following principles.

(1) Before laying bricks should be a variety of refractory mud pre-experiments and pre-masonry, to determine the bonding time of different mud, initial setting time, consistency and water consumption.

(2) Modulation of different mud to use different appliances, and timely cleaning.

(3) Modulation of different quality of mud to use clean water, the amount of water to be weighed accurately, and blend to be uniform, with the transfer of use. Already modulated water hardness and gas hardness mud should not add water to use, has been the first set of mud shall not continue to use.

(4) The modulation of phosphate bonded mud to ensure that the specified trapped material time, with the use of the transfer, has been modulated mud shall not be diluted with water. This mud because of the corrosive, shall not be in direct contact with the metal shell.

3, The variety and layout of refractory brick masonry according to the design program. Masonry should strive for straight brick joints, smooth arc, masonry dense. For the kiln tube refractory lining must also ensure that the brick ring and the kiln tube reliably concentric, so should ensure that the brick surface and the kiln tube body completely tight, brick should be face contact and combined firmly. Masonry does not move the equipment when the brick lining, fire mud slurry fullness requirements of 95% or more, the surface brick joints to be hooked with the original slurry, but in time to scrape the brick lining surface excess mud.

4, Bricklaying to use wooden hammer, rubber hammer or hard plastic hammer and other flexible tools, shall not use steel hammer.

5, Masonry refractory insulation lining should strive to avoid the following common problems.

(1) Misalignment: i.e. unevenness between layers and layers, blocks and blocks.

(2) Tilt: i.e. unevenness in the horizontal direction.

(3) Uneven mortar joints: i.e., mortar joints of different widths, which can be adjusted by proper brick selection.

(4) Creeping: i.e. regular unevenness on the surface of the circular wall, which should be controlled to be staggered within 1mm only.

(5) Leave the center: that is, in the arc masonry in the brick ring and shell is not the same center.

(6) Heavy joints: that is, the upper and lower layers of gray joints overlap, only one gray joint is allowed between the two layers.

(7) Through seam: that is, the inner and outer horizontal layers of gray joints together, even revealing the metal shell, is not allowed.

(8) Open mouth: that is, in the curved masonry in the gray joints inside small outside large.

(9) Degassing: that is, the mortar is not full between layers, bricks and with the shell, is not allowed in the lining of immobile equipment.

(10) Hairy joints: i.e., brick joints are not hooked and plastered, and the wall surface is not clean.

(11) Serpentine bending: that is, the longitudinal joints, ring joints or horizontal joints are not straight, but wavy bending.

(12) Masonry bulge: belongs to the equipment deformation caused, should be repaired in masonry equipment related to the surface. Masonry double lining can be used to level the insulation layer; (12) masonry bulging: is caused by equipment deformation, should be masonry repair equipment related surface.

(13) Mixed slurry: the wrong mud, is not allowed.

6, Masonry does not move the refractory thermal insulation composite lining of the equipment, to be layered and segmental masonry, forbidden to mix layers of mixed slurry masonry masonry thermal insulation lining the same to full slurry full seam, encounter holes and riveted welded parts to process brick or plate, the gap should be filled with mud. It is forbidden to lay arbitrary masonry, leaving gaps everywhere or the practice of not using mud. In the heat insulation layer, where under the anchor brick and after the arch foot brick, around the hole and the contact expansion place, should be changed to refractory brick masonry.

7、The expansion joints in the refractory brick lining must be left according to the design, and the width of the expansion joints should not be left with negative tolerance. Insulation layer in general can not set expansion joints.

8, Important parts and complex shape parts of the lining should be pre-masonry. For the structure is extremely complex and brick processing volume is too large lining can be considered to cast material lining.

9, The brick lining left exposed metal parts, including the brick plate, brick plate and other parts to be closed up with shaped bricks, castables or refractory fiber, shall not be in use directly exposed in the hot kiln gas.

10, Anchored brick is the structure of the masonry brick, to be left according to the design provisions, shall not be omitted. No cracked anchor brick shall be used around the hanging hole. Metal hooks should be put flat and hang solid. Hanging holes and hooks can not be stuck, the gap left can be filled with refractory fiber.

11 Masonry capping brick, joint brick and bend brick, if the original brick can not meet the sealing requirements, to use the brick cutting machine for brick finishing, shall not use manual processing brick. The size of processed bricks: in the rotary kiln and brick plate under the capping brick should not be less than 70% of the original brick; in the plane of the joint brick and curved brick, not less than 1/2 of the original brick. must use the original brick lock mouth. The working surface of the brick is strictly forbidden to be processed.