Five measures for prolonging the service life of firebrick for shaft kiln

The service life of the shaft kiln mainly depends on the service life of the refractory bricks. Therefore, analyzing and studying the damage mechanism of the refractory lining bricks of the lime shaft kiln, finding out the damage causes, and taking corresponding preventive measures can greatly prolong the kiln life of the lime shaft kiln and reduce the production cost.

Five measures for prolonging the service life of refractory bricks for shaft kiln lining

(1) Ensure the masonry quality, especially the brick joints should meet the design requirements, the mud should be full, and the water cement ratio of refractory mud should meet the requirements during mixing. It is not only necessary to adjust the cloth, but also to reduce the drop between materials in the feeding process, so as to avoid a large amount of powder affecting the air permeability of the kiln. Select the kiln lining material suitable for the working conditions of all parts of the kiln. The first is pure material, the second is high load softening, the third is small porosity, and the fourth is good thermal shock resistance.

(2) Formulate reasonable calcination system, stabilize process operation and reduce kiln wall effect. Our factory controls the calcination temperature at about 1150 ℃. The main calciner should adjust the temperature in time according to the temperature change of each belt to make each belt relatively stable. It is not allowed to move the calcination belt up and down greatly. Even when the kiln is stopped, the kiln should be operated every 1 ~ 2H according to the situation.

(3) Judging the furnace condition, during the calcination process, the material level drops evenly, the falling depth of the material level is roughly the same at the same ash discharge time, and the temperature of each zone is stable, which is a sign of normal furnace condition. If the temperature of a certain point in a certain zone fluctuates suddenly, or the material level does not drop when leaving the kiln, the ash temperature is too high, or the air pressure rises suddenly, the air supply does not enter, or there is an open fire on the furnace top, it indicates that the furnace condition is abnormal and needs to be handled in time.

(4) Strictly control the entrance of raw limestone into the plant and kiln, and try to reduce the impact of small particle limestone and powder on the kiln condition.

(5) Carefully prepare and reasonably adjust the angle of 1#, 2#, 3# kiln top distribution equipment – material cup during the overhaul, solve the problem of distribution segregation and the position of distributor baffle to avoid the impact of limestone on the kiln lining and wear, minimize the rate of temporary kiln shutdown due to equipment failure, and continuously improve the operation rate.